Why fear a recount?

Why fear a recount?

Dear Editor,
I will begin my discourse today with an allegory. It speaks about two animals grazing in a pasture, a horse and an ass. There, in the next plot, was a builder working on an animal cart. As the two animals chomped on the green herbage, the sound of the hammering rang loud and clear into their ears.

The horse then turned to the ass with the words, “Boy, is which one of us is that man building that cart for?” the jackass did not answer, but kept on eating gracefully. A few minutes later, the horse continued his inquiry with the same question, “Boy, is which one of us is that man building that cart for?”
At this point, the ass could not take it any longer and replied, “He is building that cart for the one who has a guilty conscience.”

This story aptly describes the political situation we are faced with in Guyana at the present moment. Here, we have an incumbent who claims to have won the election held on March 2nd, but those claims are on shaky grounds because there can be no proof with which that claimant can substantiate that claim. After a series of back-and-forth with the courts, the decision was made to go back into the ballot boxes for a recount.

Now, this is the problem, I would say a huge problem for them, because the recount would prove them liars on a grand scale. You see, ballots don’t lie, people do; and this is the problem Granger and his cabal are faced with. To openly lie and brazenly so is one thing, but to back that up with solid evidence is another, hence this ‘dilly dally’ on a recount.

The point is they have backed themselves into a shameful and embarrassing corner with no plausible excuse. There will have to be a recount, and damning will be the results. And may I add that great will be the shame, because those boxes will reveal a stunning change in fortunes as it relates to votes for the various parties.

My take on things is that the Opposition as well as the smaller parties will see more votes coming their way after this recount. This is what the Granger Cabal fears most.

Had I been one of Granger’s advisers, I would have recommended that he accept the official statements of poll (SoP) for Region 4 at the inception and concede defeat, because the trauma and shame that awaits is tremendous.
I hope his old heart can take the experience of a recount. Frankly speaking, a horrible embarrassment will be his portion. The world would see clearly what we have been saying all along: that massive rigging is the norm for those PNC-controlled areas.

Neil Adams

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