What a new gov’t should do

What a new gov’t should do

Dear Editor,

I have some advice for the next Government regardless of which political party legitimately forms it.

1) Free up the State Media by privatising NCN and Guyana Chronicle. You do not need the media to tell you that you are looking good or to provide propaganda for the populace.

2) Renegotiate the ExxonMobil/Guyana oil contract.  We’re looking for a signing bonus of US$250m which is conservative; 10% royalty and get rid of the clause that says Guyana has to pay for oil spills. At least try to renegotiate.

3) COI into the deaths of numerous Guyanese under suspicious circumstances under Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency.

Should the PPP/C win the general election of 2nd March 2020 then I expect that they may want to revisit past development projects:

4) Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project: I don’t see why we should build a 165 MW Hydroelectric plant for US$800m when a 500 MW Solar Farm (or, 50 times 10 MW) would cost US$500m. Solar electricity is cheaper than 10 years ago.

5) Specialty Hospital: since they may choose to build a hospital which is mainly for Health Tourism then they can also build 50 Medical Centres for local Guyanese. Each Medical Centre in 50 towns and villages to offer services by a  doctor, surgery, eye clinic, dentistry, pharmacy, mental health, etc.

6) They may choose to shut down SOCU and SARA. Rather than shutting down SOCU and SARA get them to fulfill their operational mandate. That is, SOCU to tackle organised crime including money laundering. SARA to recover stolen state assets. As opposed to being used as a political tool to harass the political opposition.

Yours faithfully,

Sean Ori

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