We must have the resolve to find a better solution

We must have the resolve to find a better solution

Dear Editor,

The spirit of fair play seems to have been put aside by a number of persons involved in the elections process. As unsavory as some individuals may seem to others, if they have been selected by the democratic process, then we should as a democracy accept what the majority has decided.

If the democratic process is going to be neglected and the country is to be ruled by unilateral decision-making, then that decision has its own implications as to the type of society and country that will develop. It is not possible to have both structures of society peacefully coexist. This we have seen from the history of our country.

Fair play exists in a democratic system, but doesn’t in a power monopoly. Trade and development in the international community also develops differently and plans for such development will have to be considered if fair play is discarded in the elections process. Many have attempted to mask unilateral rule with democratic systems, but none have been successful, with the exception of The Monarchy. Even in situations of Military dominance, the long-term change has always reverted to the democratic system due to external pressure.

The crossroads are before us and the division in society is becoming more evident. A solution can be developed that allows for peaceful mutual development, but does the will truly exist in what is now becoming a very polarized society with the added complexity of race and culture. These obstacles are not insurmountable, but they are difficult to navigate when emotions are high. Some serious thought should be given to these issues before a declaration is made. My recommendation is that the two leaders of the major parties meet in a calm setting and have a very direct and open discussion on what could be a possible resolution. The historical approach that has been taken only ends up punishing the entire country. We must have the resolve to find a better solution.

Best regards,
Mr. Jamil Changlee
The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana

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