We have lost two years of our lives and years of progress

We have lost two years of our lives and years of progress

Dear Editor,

Since the passing of the no confidence motion over a year ago, the David Granger administration has made continuous efforts to twist and misinterpret the constitution for their political conveniences, but in the last 120 days, we have seen outrageous and traitorous efforts to subvert the will of our people. Their only aim is to hold onto power at all costs and by justifying the actions of Mr. Lowenfield, they are denying thousands of Guyanese their constitutional right to vote and battering the faith in our electoral process.

During all this, APNU+AFC representatives moved through villages spreading misinformation and lies. Many men and women whom we considered honest, decent, and god-fearing buried their head in the sand, while others parroted untruths and sowed seeds of division. Guyana bleeds as our so-called leaders deny and subvert the rule of law, ignoring their constitutional mandate, and are engaged in a never-ending mission of divisive politics.

I have no doubt that many of us love our country but I have seen a few who only love themselves, preaching to us as if they were saints. Those who misappropriated taxpayer monies are sitting on a pedestal while they pimped us out for their own gratification and are willing to put all of Guyana to shame in front of the entire world, exposing us all to increased hardships, regardless of race or political affiliation. Sanctions will come if we continue on this path of tyranny and self-destruction. We must all be alert if we want to keep our liberty.

We have lost two years of our lives and years of progress. How long must we, the young people, wait to take control of our future? To shape our destiny? How long will we be held hostage by a bunch of old men who have lived full lives and are now denying us the right to live and love?

It is not too late, Mr. Granger, to do the right, honourable, and patriotic thing. Concede, let Guyana breathe. And swear in the next President. Swear in Dr. Irfaan Ali and let us heal and progress together, one people, one future, one Guyana, united and free.

Yours truly,
Vishal Ambedkar

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