We are heading down a sad road into dictatorship

We are heading down a sad road into dictatorship

Dear Editor,

Please permit me a space to vent my opinion in your letter section. Last year, the Court of Appeal ruled that the majority in the parliament is 34. Now anyone in the entire world would know basic math in that 33 is a majority in a house of 65. It was unbelievable when the highest court in Guyana, ruled that 34 is a majority. It had to take an external court to school learned high-ranking Guyanese on basic math. I felt that two of the judges at the COA were sympathetic to the Granger Administration in the NCM case.

Fast forward to the current elections case in the COA. The Constitution clearly states that matters concerning the validity and credibility of an election is the sole jurisdiction of the High Court. Why then is this case by APNU’s David at the Court of Appeal? It is my strong belief that the COA will rule 2 to 1 on the matter and block the declaration. Note the majority in the COA will be 2 to 1 not 2.5 and then rounded to 3. Guyana is going down a sad road to dictatorship, lawlessness, sanctions, neglect by the international community and scorn by the fellow CARICOM states.

I often ask myself how will Mr. Granger feel standing next to his CARICOM colleagues knowing he cheated his way to remain into the presidency? The entire world knows what the APNU is up to. They know that Mingo inflated votes in Region Four for the APNU+AFC; they know that the GECOM Chief-Elections-Officer and Government Commissioners tried to push with the fraudulent declarations for the APNU+AFC; they know that the APNU+AFC tried to stop the recount; they know that the APNU+AFC conjured up the dead and migrants vote theory; and they know that the APNU+AFC is now trying to get the Court of Appeal to block the declaration.

They know that Mr. Granger is not a man that keeps his word, he flip-flops. He said that CARICOM is the most important interlocutor – CARICOM has spoken, and Mr. Granger has gone into hiding. He will emerge when the COA blocks the declaration. Imagine Mr. Lowenfield took away in excess of over 250,000 votes and spent billions of dollars on an election that the APNU is now discrediting because they didn’t win and Mr. Granger said Lowenfield did a good job. They were willing to accept Mingo fraudulent numbers and at that time, the elections were free, fair and credible. I ask the judges at the COA to be mindful of the international community and young Guyanese who are following this matter and may never trust the PNC ever again. It will be a sad day when Guyana will be kicked out of CARICOM, the OAS, the Commonwealth and many bilateral partners. I pray that the judges think about the future of this country and rule in accordance with the law and not partisan politics.

Yours truly
B. John

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