This is choke and rob of the vilest kind and you are not going to get away with it

This is choke and rob of the vilest kind and you are not going to get away with it

Dear Editor,

A few words come to mind when discussing this elections fiasco foisted on us by the PNC. Some words cannot be repeated here and others, belong in another realm, words like out of this world, and we ain’t ever seen anything like this (as indeed we haven’t anywhere around here…like in the western hemisphere, or on planet earth).

But two words keep coming to mind, which I cannot shake. ‘Choke and Rob and Delusions.’ Maybe I’ve been reading too much Freddie Kissoon recently, but please, allow me to share a story.

I remember once, going to a wedding house, and half way thru my seven curry, deep in cricket talk, I might have said that Carl Hooper wasn’t as good as they were making him out to be. (I still play Lambert and Jackman ahead of him in my Shell Shield 11 ok…yall hush. Maybe Hoops makes 12th man?). I got a good cussing and never did get to finish that seven curry. When I returned on Kangan Sunday, for the meat, I nearly got chopped and broad sided, all for that Hooper comment. You see, Guyanese, regardless of race, love cricket as much as we despise tiefman; the choke and robber most of all.

What happened here, (and continues to happen, with increasing paranormal goings on) is a choke and rob. Right out in the middle of Regent Street, broad daylight, on an old lady. (Such is the f-ery  Ryan Crawford made famous on our behalf). This was no tiefman, coming stealthily in the night, this was an all out attack, a Choke and Rob of the vilest kind that we Guyanese despise. The APNU is attempting to choke and rob us.

About them delusions. We Guyanese know Jumbie. We know when people going mad. But this is no joke. This is no longer Guyanese vernacular. This is a serious mental health problem, which the APNU and co-conspirators seem to have. I am not a trained psychologist…maybe one can help us out a bit…but something is not right up in the cuckoo’s nest if you know what I mean. These people are delusional and may require medical intervention. (Please get help or we will commit you).

I speak directly to them here. We are not going to let you do it. You are not going to get away with it. The world has changed, this time nah lang time. We all think you are going mad. Please cease and desist. Or we will lock you up and punish you. And not I alone, but more than half of my Guyana, and the rest of the civilized, still sane world.

To my fellow Guyanese. Laugh, exhale, breathe. Decompress. You have had to endure a lot. It one day will be over, soon.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Ram

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