The President turned a blind eye to ungodly governance and it has come back to haunt him

The President turned a blind eye to ungodly governance and it has come back to haunt him

Dear Editor,

Thank you for exposing the contradictions, lies, and deceits relating to matters arising out of the March 2 Elections – outstanding KN investigative reporting to help the nation understand unfolding events. Fantastic work by your reporter(s). The behaviour of my APNU disappoints me – first, it declared we won the elections and now when the truth is being exposed, it is claiming it was defrauded, preparing the base for non-acceptance of the transparent outcome.

My party was almost completely in charge of the elections, but it is claiming another party defrauds it – what does that say about the leadership and performance of my party? I am appealing to my President not to endorse that false narrative of ungodly people and be misled into supporting action that would compromise or reject the outcome of the recount. Also, the GECOM Chair must not allow distractions to the recount and quickly bring it to a conclusion.

It is not shocking that my party lost. The writing was on the wall two years ago. Warnings from within the church were ignored. During the 28 years, we were in government, the supporters were used as fodder to prop up an illegal regime. They were indoctrinated into supporting electoral fraud, their education neglected, and lulled into a false sense of security that the party would take care of them because it would remain in government forever. They became underdeveloped and unprepared to compete in the real world. Thru the lord’s grace, my party returned to government five years ago and the base became privileged with resources.

But hardly anything was done to improve lives – there was little progress on youth employment, a cornerstone of the 2015 campaign and criminality did not decrease. The base was being socialised into thinking and acting to prop up the government while a handful enriched themselves. The President turned a blind eye to ungodly governance. Now, it has come to haunt him. The recount is confirming our party lost the elections, and the base is being galvanised to reject the outcome. It is unfortunate that the bulk of our support base can be so easily misled into blindly believing untruths peddled about the election.

The base voted for Granger and not some scoundrels in the party defying the Lord and seeking to derail democracy. The election was free and fair as my party itself stated on March 3. My party claimed victory on March 3 and declared victory on the evening of 4th March amidst fraud. When it appeared that my party lost, Mr. Mingo was called upon to create a magic victory twice. It can’t now claim fraud when ballots are confirming defeat. That in itself would be considered as fraud. If the party lost, we have still won because democracy becomes strengthened affirming elections decide who governs. In an election, there can only be one winner. Whoever gets a majority wins the government. If it is not my leader, then so be it. We will rebuild and return next election.

The Chairperson Claudette Singh is a Christian. She must upheld values of honesty, decency, and integrity. She must not be a party to skullduggery or effort to derail the process or entertain conspiracy of Election Day fraud. She must not pay heed to misinformation and various shenanigans to delay or compromise the recount. I have faith that she would not allow herself to be wowed by deception as being propagated by corrupt political actors whose interest is to continue control over the public purse for self-enrichment. These lost souls don’t care about party, supporters, nation, or the President. They only care about themselves. It is better for us to accept defeat in a dignified way than to hold on to power through deceit. We must turn the page and restart the campaign to clean up our party for true representation and development of the support base.

Regardless of the outcome, the recount must be used as the basis for the declaration and the swearing in of the President. The Chair must not allow herself to be distracted from the recount. If my party loses, I appeal to my President to concede defeat and congratulate the winner for peace and harmony, the will of the Lord.

Yours truly
Bro. Joshua Emmanuel

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