The main opposition party is not the enemy

The main opposition party is not the enemy

Dear Editor,

As I read this article, I hope that members of the government preferably keep a steady eye on the big picture and key priorities. By no means is the main opposition party the enemy. They have by their own doing, rather undoing, made themselves, with few member exceptions, totally irrelevant. The past regime was given a chance to leave a long lasting positive impact on this small country called Guyana, but failed miserably. Instead, it appears we have been left with fiscally mismanaged people and resources, among other things.

All this should have been predictable with a military mindset at the helm of a civilian population. Historically, these “leaders” generally lack the needed abilities, obvious necessary skills, including administrative skills to govern and manage officials beneath them effectively. Those with military backgrounds are remembered more for the shambles they left behind rather than the progress they made. That background alone should have been a red flag, but we were perhaps too giddy. That’s over, finished, and is now for the history books.

We have to remember who we really need to keep an eye on. It’s those foreigners, predominantly men under the age of 50 (that should signal something), who over multiple years have landed in Guyana in their expensive shoes and even more expensive suits, exploited our resources and rolled over us. Mind you, in most instances, we have allowed that to happen. Why so, is discussion for another day.

Over the past week or so, KN has penned articles from citizens, consisting of priority items/areas that need attention by this government, even after so many years. Imagine that. Expect those lists to get longer.
We are living in the age of COVID-19; however, because no one can be forced to take the vaccine when available, regardless of which country they live in, COVID-19 will be here for a long time, which means more headaches and a life that will be more fragile.

This is ever the more reason for the government to focus on what is really important, with a sense of urgency, as they are expected to accomplish and deliver. Unfortunately, most of us don’t see any more attempts at do-overs to get things right, therefore this is it.

Yours truly,
Chi Kansi

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