The 2020 Election

The 2020 Election

Dear Editor,

My grandfather used to tell us about election rigging that took place in the 80s under the Burnham Administration and the injustices meted out to people. It was always viewed as sad stories and he would tell us in the evenings. Some of the things you hear cause a shiver then. He died over 29 years now. He was a good grandfather. Growing up I will normally say those days are gone. But it seems not so. I would never believe in this day and age with technology and in the eyes of the world, the ambassadors and observers that an election can be rigged in favour of the incumbent APNU. If any one denies that the results of Region 4 were not tampered with then that person is lying to himself. The APNU is still claiming they won but this, I believe, is not so.

Here is why:
1. All the nine regions were declared after going through the SOPs, not region 4.
2. A spreadsheet appeared miraculously and verification of SOPs was halted.
3. By nine o clock on Tuesday 3rd March, 2020 a letter floated with APNU letterhead that they won but they still refused to produce their SOPs to date.
4. Clairmont Mingo refusing to adhere to the CJ ruling that SOPs must be verified for region 4.
5. The switch from Ashmin’s building to GECOM to verify SOPs with a projector and flimsy materials, cardboard and sheet.
6. The disgusted behaviour of the Foreign Affairs Minister to the diplomats and observers.
7. The baseless articles in another newspaper alone trying to brighten the APNU image.
8. The attacks on the overseas missions and observers. It is not possible all of these people hate the APNU so bad that they will tell lies that the APNU didn’t win?
9. The court cases on a number of occasions to go through with the declaration and stop the recount.
10. The shameful dossier put forward to try save the dangerous games.
11. The count of 400,000+ votes for 156 days.
12. The attempts to move cameras at Giftland that focuses in the direction of the containers.
13. The utter nonsense given by a Commissioner that a recount doesn’t necessarily means that the results will be accepted; his attempts to push through with the region 4 declaration at the commission’s meetings; the call for an audit of the ballot boxes when the SOPs alone could be retrieved from the boxes and tallied.

Editor, I have given 13 reasons why I believe the biggest electoral fraud occurred in Guyana in 2020 not in the 80s.
I am hoping Mr. Granger will not just sit there and see all this happening and not do the right. All respect for him in Guyana could be eroded if he continues to do nothing.

I used to say Guyanese can be proud that it is the only country in South America that has never had a coup, military government, compared to places like Suriname, Venezuela, Chile, etc. I end with grief for my country and happiness that my grandfather is not around to witness what’s happening.

Concerned Citizen

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