Some eye-opening articles

Some eye-opening articles

Dear Editor,

Lately, you’ve provided David Hinds with a forum to publish some eye-opening articles that frankly brought out rage and disbelief as I read them. The (April 05) article especially was filled with hate and hostility along with bold and bare-faced lies about the previous government.

He talked about “Ethnic Domination” and “Ethnic Marginalization” in Guyana as if he was describing an Apartheid South Africa, none of which I can honestly say I’ve seen and I live here, not in the U.S. like he does. He made these claims but cited no example to validate them.

He suddenly does not want free and Fair Elections and reasons that the Leader of the APNU Party, David Granger, is the only one who is Ordained by God Almighty to be our President even though they lost the 2020 General Elections.
What he is really telling us is, the PPP has no right to govern this land even though they’ve earned that mandate legally and lawfully.

He wants us to do away with the elections, burn the ballot boxes and reform the Constitution so that all Guyanese are equally represented. I have news for Mr. Hinds, all Guyanese were equally represented under the PPP/C Government.
Mr. Hind’s article in my opinion serves no useful purpose to this nation of ours that is presently polarized after the March 2nd Election. What we need most now is leadership that will unite us and encourage Guyanese to be transparent and law-abiding.

Mr. Hind’s article is typical of those that can be found in the Guyana Chronicle and not the Kaieteur News. He should be encouraged to take his articles to that news media.
That article on April 05 really served only one purpose, it showed his true colours and lifted his mask to show his true feelings and who he really is, a PNC supporter.

He needs to take his fight where he lives and stay out of Guyana’s Politics.
After all we’re a Sovereign Country.

Dennis Balgobin

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