Sharing and cooperating for national development

Sharing and cooperating for national development

Dear Editor,

IT is not an unfair assessment that humans seem no longer to care about others as in the old days. Today, it is all about self-preservation with some people, the top few percent in particular, not realising that life is meaningless if no one else is around with which to share it. Unlimited wealth in a vacuum is useless and meaningless. So we must be caring and compassionate towards others, be willing to share whatever we have with the less fortunate. Giving a little would not impoverish anyone.

We must take note of the fact that Guyana is on the horizon about to experience a spurt in wealth from oil discoveries. But it is a troubled nation facing development and social issues with some going to extreme measures to get their way. Such acts do not serve national interest. If people truly desire to make our nation become developed and a potential paradise, we must embrace the spirit of living together in peace and sharing with each other’s best interest and cooperate in the effort for developed-nation status. The acrimony, hatred, and selfishness must end.

As religious figures have implored, let us turn away from selfishness and deceit and embrace the true spirit of the holiday season – of giving and sharing as written in all religious books. As we continue to celebrate the holiday season, let us contribute to efforts to help feed, clothe, and house fellow man. Let us pledge to work towards uplifting our people and showing respect to others regardless of ethnicity or party affiliation. Develop a graceful spirit of humanity during the season!

Amidst the gaiety and festive activities of the season, we must be cognisant of all the terrible things around us – robberies, violence, immorality, election-rigging, poverty, hunger, hate, homelessness, etc. – and play our part to correct them. Let us not forget the horrific suffering and deprivation that exist among fellow humans and those who are trying to survive from various illnesses, including the COVID pandemic that has taken a huge toll among our people. We must take time to remember the needy and bedridden and those in hospitals and our service providers such as doctors, nurses, firemen, whose duties are critical during this holiday season.

The end-of-year season is usually not a time of sorrow. But this year it so because of loss of so many lives and jobs caused by the COVID pandemic and or recklessness of bad governance or road carnage. Families are without breadwinners or he or she is out of work. They need our assistance.

We should look to improve the well-being of not only immediate families but also that of relatives and others around us, the community, and the wider family of man.  We must give help to others living in deprivation, care for all. We must return to the old days of being thy brothers’ keepers as it used to be during slavery, indentureship, and colonial rule. In the old days, a certain civil compact was observed in which people did not do to others what they would not want others do to them. Thus, for decades, there was relative peace and quiet and respect for one another until in recent years when bullying raised its ugly head. Some politicians encourage their supporters to bully others.
I note that the private sector, including foreign investors, shall shortly be engaging in a proliferation of viable productive and commercial activities on a scale unprecedented in this country. They need the support of the politicians to feel at peace. The government and opposition should leave no stone unturned to work together to facilitate investment that would help create an environment that would lead to a better quality of life for all. They should work together with irreducible resolve to rid our society of obstacles to achieve developed-nation status as early as possible.

Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram

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