Rajendra Bissessar leaves AFC

Rajendra Bissessar leaves AFC

He penned a letter, announcing his resignation, stating that he has agonised for some time over the decision.
Asked whether he is ready to throw his support behind any other party, Bissessar told Kaieteur News that he has not decided, but that he would be heartened to see plurality in the National Assembly.

This would entail new parties being given a chance to disrupt the control of the bipartite political establishment carried by the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and the A Partnership for National Unity +Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC).
This is what the AFC sought to do when it was formed.

Bissessar said that he feels betrayed, and that the AFC missed out on a chance to effect real, positive change.
He reminded that he had left the PPP/C because he grew dissatisfied with what he described as corruption within the party. He said that it had departed from the principles of its founding leaders. He had joined the AFC because it showed promise.
Bissessar’s reasons for the departure now are numerous, but could be summed up as disappointment in the party for purportedly failing to deliver on several promises it had made.

The AFC promised to work against corruption, but Bissessar adjudges that corruption became the “order of the day”.
He also criticised the extravagant increases Government Ministers granted to themselves, wasteful spending, very little job creation, treatment of sugar workers, and failure to transform the Constitution.
He maintained that several ills, which led to his condemnation of the PPP/C were unfortunately replicated by this Government, and that the AFC failed to deliver on its promise to rein in the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) if it went “astray”.


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