President Granger has to be statesmanlike

President Granger has to be statesmanlike

Dear Editor,

Phew! At long last what passes for an electoral process in Guyana is drawing to a close. Maybe. Unless Lt Col Harmon finds another cattery before the transition. So, where do we go from here?

President Granger has to be statesmanlike and ‘go off to watch the cricket’ in John Major’s famous words on losing office

President-elect Ali too needs to be statesmanlike, inclusive, respectful of the opposition and move Guyana forward. The first statement from him is all important and defining.

Guyana has already wasted enough valuable time. As we used to sing in Sacred Heart ‘Onwards, Upwards may we ever go…’

Yours faithfully,

John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair

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