Peace must be firstly attained

Peace must be firstly attained

Dear Editor,

It is with great joy that I read of His Excellency President Ali’s plans for the development of Silica City on the Linden Highway which was named after His Excellency former President L.F.S. Burnham. There is much that we can achieve as a nation if we can peacefully attain progress together.

However, given the current level of conflict that was recently on display due to the deaths of the young African Guyanese brothers, the young Indian Guyanese and the Indian Guyanese gentleman whose deaths have yet to be resolved, it is difficult to see how peaceful coexistence can be attained in the near future. In addition, the ongoing electoral conflict that has increased the level of suspicion between the races does not foster an atmosphere of cooperation. This is being clearly displayed in Parliament. The conflict of the 1960’s that was a defining moment in our country’s pursuit for independence is still very fresh in our memories and is yet to be fully acknowledged by both races in a forum of resolution and strife free remembrance. We must acknowledge and make peace with our past.

The date of Independence continues to be a dark moment in the psyche of many which brings forth strong emotions of hurt and conflict during that period. It is the fear of many that a development on the Linden Highway may lead to a renewed conflict due to our history and the legacy which ties the Linden Highway to the opposition party.

For this very reason we must find common ground for cooperation and peaceful coexistence if the communities of the African Guyanese and Indian Guyanese are to develop in close proximity. Without this the options for development must continue to be pragmatic and within the limitations of our current infrastructure with increased focus on expanding non flood zone communities where the security of each ethnicity has a positive history that can be maintained in the future. We must ensure the safe development of our citizens during this expansionary period of our Nation’s development.

Best regards,
Mr. Jamil Changlee
The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana

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