Not in favour of shared governance without prerequisite trust building

Not in favour of shared governance without prerequisite trust building

Dear Editor,

An arranged marriage is different from a forced marriage.

In an arranged marriage the two people involved get to know each other to see if they are compatible, in the process building trust.

With a forced marriage the two people have little or no say in the matter so there is no opportunity to build trust before marriage. You’re married now so make the best of it.

The reason I mention the above is to demonstrate the need for building trust before Shared Governance occurs.

I am not for Shared Governance without the prerequisite trust building.

But, I can compromise and say let us explore the possibilities of Shared Governance.

In numerous letters I have already highlighted the need for the government of the day and the political opposition to put aside their partisan differences and work for the betterment of all Guyanese. You don’t need a forced marriage certificate to work together.

They can work together on creating a new National Development Plan thereby building trust in the process. They can work together to renegotiate the ExxonMobil/Guyana oil contract. They can work together to create The Green State.

Yours faithfully,

Sean Ori

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