New gov’t will need to reduce level of expansionary projects

New gov’t will need to reduce level of expansionary projects

Dear Editor,

A recent IMF report highlights the low expected growth of the traditional sectors in the economy, with negative growth most likely as GuySuCo continues to stumble. DDL’s price courage due to the shortage of molasses is a clear indication of things to come. Expect inflation to take hold as the pandemic continues.

More importantly the IMF report is a wake-up call to the limited economic activity that can be expected in the coming year. The new government will need to reduce the level of expansionary projects and focus on improving what already exists. At the beginning of the last administration there was the surprise of annual flooding which caught them off guard. Upkeep and improvement in sea water pumps, drainage, electricity and water supply should make up the main areas of focus for year one of the new administration. These basics during a fiscal contraction become essential to the comfort and quality of living of the population in hard economic times.

Given the forecasted continuation of the Pandemic during their first year, it should be expected that the healthcare system will see high levels of investment in each administrative region. Test kits, medication and access to new well-staffed clinics have to go hand in hand with the current plans for temporary treatment centres.

On a personal note, it is very disappointing to see the level of greed and dishonesty during this difficult economic and pandemic time in our history. Recently a large group broke into my property and stole all of my belongings. A place where I as a non-partisan individual have helped anyone in need. The village is filled with police and teachers who have lived there for years, yet these individuals allow and participate in such theft. The example the government and all future leaders set for the population is paramount for the improvement in civil obedience for the rule of law. Guyana can have better days ahead or descend into a self- made hell depending on the moral choices made.

Yours faithfully,
Jamil Changlee
The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana

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