My patience and that of many are dwindling

My patience and that of many are dwindling

Dear Editor,
Joseph Harmon appointed CEO of Guyana’s National Task Force against COVID19.
I had to read this nonsense several times and I also had to go check which other country has a CEO of their task force. Let me say that I found nil, nada, zilch with such a set up. I also found that all of these task force had less politicians and more doctors, in some cases, a capable representative from directly correlated sectors were sitting as ex-officio members.

However, the power hungry, insatiable misfits of this de facto government wants to remain relevant to this nation in such a time where maturity should prevail. A caretaker President has placed a square peg, a lawyer, in a round hole. As for Nagamootoo, nobody listens to him, even thought as Chairman, he technically has substantial power and superior to the CEO.

To top it off, the Lawyer, Joeseph Harmon, has been tasked with “developing short-term plan for disease prevention and safety of the people.” I also want to know what is their definition of “accurate” because the lawyer also has that responsibility.

At this time, the Diamond Diagnostic Center is in shambles and highly disorganized. I understands the RHO or a senior person at this institute only reports and listens to Volda. This is a quarantine institute that this National Task Force has responsibility over and I urge those responsible to fix the situation there. Doctors are not communicating with the patients on a daily basis, the facilities are unacceptable and basic support is lacking. This all occurs under poor leadership. Guyanese lives matter but you don’t seem to appreciate that fact.

Now the questions is why would the feeble caretaker make such a move? Interesting, is it not? We have all foreseen some sort of bull coming up, once this recount starts (only God knows when this will happen). Who will be tested “positive” (alluding to his “accurate” information) to require quarantine? Also, I’ve been thinking. The donation from the USA will be channelled through the regional task force (CARICOM) and then distributed to the National Task Force. That money has not been made available yet I believe. Something to keep an eye on.

It’s not surprising anymore. My patience and that of many are dwindling. Stay bless and let’s #keepmovingforward.
For Guyana with Love,

Dr. Josh Kanhai

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