I invite President Granger to turn to God for wisdom on the way forward

I invite President Granger to turn to God for wisdom on the way forward

Dear Editor,

As youths in Perth Village, Mahaicony, we were taught at school that before crossing the road, we were supposed to look right, look left, look right again and if the road is clear, then cross. As I grew older, I travelled daily by train to Georgetown to attend high school and at every junction where the train tracks crossed the road there was a sign that read: Railway Crossing – Stop, Look and Listen. The two short statements or warning for crossing the road and crossing the train tracks benefited those who followed those simple instructions.

When Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, he was provoked and he looked right, looked left and saw that the way was clear for him to murder the Egyptian which he did. Moses did not look up to God and that mistake changed his life from a prince in Egypt to a wanderer in the desert.

There is a real story of an academic genius of his time who committed his life to evil by actively positioning himself to a movement that captured and punished anyone who chose to follow the ways of Jesus. His name was Saul who later became Paul the Apostle. As he was travelling to Damascus with his prize of prisoners, God in His mercy struck him down blind and a voice spoke to him saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” The conversation went on with Saul being warned that it is hard to fight against God and Saul in his wisdom asked God a question, which changed his life from a persecutor to be persecuted the same way. He became the greatest missionary of truth that the world has ever known. The question for God was, ‘Lord, what do you want me to do?’

This is the question, which I ask myself daily. To make sure that as I am blessed, I become a blessing to others and I will like to invite my president, members of his party and all members of the opposition to look into the mirror, look up to God and sincerely ask God the question, ‘Lord, what do you want me to do?’ However, do not ask the question if you have already made up your mind on your role for the future of Guyana because Almighty God will not change your mind. Do not ask God after discussing the subject with those who have their own agenda and are poisoned with greed for power.

Unlike others who are pleading with the President, I refuse to waste anymore time following that path and without trying to be offensive to his high office, I want to submit the truth that “a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still and there is no one who is so blind like the one who does not want to see.” Instead, I would like to point him and all of us to follow the path of God and would like to point him to the wisest king who ever lived, Solomon. When he was appointed King, recognizing that the office demanded more that he can offer, he immediately asked God for wisdom to make godly decisions and make life comfortable for those who he was elected to serve. This is what he said in Ecclesiastes 7:29: “this is what I have found. God made mankind upright but men have gone in search of many schemes.” In Proverbs 13:20, he warns us from taking advice from anyone who is not considered wise – “He who walks with the wise, grows wise but a companion of fools suffers harm.”

Many governments, organizations, talented and wise people have concluded that we are taking the wrong path and have warned us of consequences. Every time I read those statements, I am reminded of the mother of a soldier who was marching out of step at a military parade and living in denial. She said “everyone is marching out of step except my son” and no one was able to convince her that she was wrong because stubbornness had destroyed her ability to reason.

We all have different ways to make our decisions but when we sincerely want to follow the right path, there is no substitute for asking God. He will show you by his word and in His mercy will try to protect us from a destructive future and from passing a baton of regrets to those who follow. We have a good example with Hugo Rafael Chavez and the present President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, whose survival is dependent on expelling anyone who opposes him while suppressing and destroying the lives of the Venezuelans people to remain in power. I am sure that he is living with great regrets and will be remembered as a man who spent his life to destroy others.

When wisdom speaks, I listen. I will like to introduce the president and all the politicians to a man who is known for his great wisdom, courage and full of love for all races of our nation. He never showed partiality but always spoke out as a spiritual leader to all people of all denominations. This man was my friend from whom I have learnt to be a better person and Guyanese. He is the late Bishop Randolph Oswald George whose parting words to us were, “live your life in such a way that the end of it, you will have the greatest amount of satisfaction and least amount of regrets.”

Yours truly
Harold Beharry

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