I had ample reasons to want the Coalition dismantled and removed from Parliament

I had ample reasons to want the Coalition dismantled and removed from Parliament

Dear Editor,

Today marks one year since the No Confidence Motion (NCM) was passed in the National Assembly of Guyana. The day I voted against the Government.

In reflection I would like to make a few statements with a view to presenting a clearer picture of what took place on that eventful day/night and the days that followed to bring us to today’s date.

As the days went by for me as a Parliamentarian I became more and more uncomfortable sitting as an AFC MP. It was obvious that the AFC had lost its purpose; lost its direction and had become “yes men”.

We were mere toys in the hands of the PNC. Rutherford, Rajkumar, Carrington and I sent an email to Ramjattan and Nagamootoo to ask that we have a caucus before we go in Parliament.

Just the AFC MPs so we can decide what to support and what to not support. That email met with a simple response from Nagamootoo..’vote when we vote’. As backbenchers we had no say in anything and so we supported all government bills blindly. That was wrong.

When it came to the closure of the sugar estates even Nagamootoo, as Prime Minister had no say. It was handed to us, the AFC and we embraced it. The average sugar worker family in Guyana comprises four members so that when the bread winner is unemployed it means that four persons are on the breadline.

Seven thousand workers were laid off on very short notice and had nothing to fall back onto. That means 28,000 persons were on the breadline. I could not then and still cannot digest that act of cruelty and unconscionable behaviour of the Government.

The AFC did nothing to get the laid off workers their severance pay even after two years elapsed. The AFC showed no backbone and so we were dominated by the PNC in the name of “coalition”.

Had it not been for the AFC, Granger would not have been President and yet the AFC was treated with such disregard it surprised me that Nagamootoo and Ramjattan allowed us to be so subservient to the PNC.

I had ample reasons to want the Coalition dismantled and removed from Parliament.

Amidst all his ravings and        rantings about Charrandass being bribed and just recently that I was smuggling or had smuggled gold, Ramjattan concluded that he had no evidence to support his allegations. So, I filed an action against him for slander. I have done no wrong and the CCJ so determined. Frankly if I had to do it again I would do it     willingly.

Has anyone seen what the Government has done and is still doing?

Granger and his team knew that the NCM was validly passed. Yet, they spent billions to simply allow them to run for the full five-year term as Government. The two judges in the Court of Appeal, Yonette Cummings and Dawn Gregory displayed such stupidity in their decision that the whole world is laughing at them. Granger and team do not want to give up power. Granger has violated the Guyana Constitution like a true Dictator.

In many countries confidence motions have been validly passed and elections were held peacefully and within the required time frame. Why is Granger running around as if he has all right to so do?

I would like to say this publicly because it is something I would like to see happening. When the next Government takes office, I hope that oil experts will be hired to guide that Government on how to manage oil and spend oil money.

I hope that proper infrastructure is put in place and factories are set up so that Guyana can flourish. Cash disbursement, as suggested is very stupid and will only contribute to more backwardness of a beautiful nation.

In conclusion I will say that Guyana does not belong to the Government of Guyana. She belongs to the people and the People must benefit from the wealth Guyana has.

We can all live harmoniously and comfortably as one people in this beautiful land of ours and I am sure  that that is the dream of all Guyanese.

After one year I am now living in a basement in Canada and I cannot stand the cold but I know that I am way better off than each sugar worker this Coalition Government has put out of a job and whose families are on the bread line.

I am only one and a very good friend scolded me for complaining because over 7000 laid off workers cannot  put food on their tables. Is that the Good Life Granger promised?

Let us all look out for those who need and do our best to keep them happy.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and definitely a better New Year.

Yours faithfully,

Charrandass Persaud


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