How long more will our intelligence be insulted?

How long more will our intelligence be insulted?

Dear Editor,

Do we prefer to have our elections determined by legal technicalities instead of ballots cast?

Are our laws so badly written that they cannot be readily followed?

Is there no way to discipline those who are trampling on our election laws?

Where is the enforcement of our electoral laws?

What kind of Government should we expect from people who seem to think that laws  do not apply to them?

How long more will our intelligence be insulted by those who keep changing their stories every time they are caught out?

Why are the hundreds of thousands of us allowing our livelihood to be violated by  the few kidnappers?

Have we lost our sense of what is fair and just?

When  will we all come together and publicly show our disgust at what the few claim they are doing for our good?

Yours faithfully,

Patsy Downey

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