Hello, PNC friends; God does not perform miracles of fraud

Hello, PNC friends; God does not perform miracles of fraud

Dear Editor,
Again, I want to add to what Brother Bob said, and reach out to my PNC brethren who are grasping at straws and acting in irrational and delusional ways, having been battered and beaten down by the overwhelming defeat inflicted on them by the PPP.

The first point you need to know is that God does not perform miracles of fraud, and does not condone stealing. “Thou shalt not steal” (Commandment 7), and “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s goods” (Commandment 10).
In fact, God abhors those who commit, aid and abet evil-doing; so, no amount of Christian sloganeering, such as “No weapon formed against the PNC or Granger shall prosper” etc., will change the results of the March 2, 2020 elections, where a valid, credible count monitored by CARICOM showed the PPP won by 15,000+ votes.

Remember, on election night, when they counted SOPs, all the paperwork was there, and there were no problems reported. The recount numbers matched the SOPs, so there is no fraud. Mr. Lowenfield has to answer what happened to the paperwork. We are being seriously misled if we think that the Lord Jesus would stand on the side of fraud and wickedness and alter results at our whims and fancies. Don’t be fooled by those with sinister agendas who tell you that!
I noticed some church people are telling you not to give up; to pray harder, longer, and louder that somehow God will deliver a miracle in favour of the PNC. My brethren, I regret to tell you that that will not happen. The PNC has already been judged by God, and we have been defeated. We have to do the right thing and concede defeat.

I am quite disappointed that our sanctimonious leader, Bro. Granger, has been quite silent, and has not stepped up to say he has accepted the CARICOM observer team’s report, as he said he would do.
In the meanwhile, our people are divided further, and our bankrupt country goes downhill as our PNC does last-minute looting on its way out, doling out lands and contracts to its rich friends.

My brethren, the notion that the PPP rigged the election through dead voters and overseas voters, and bought out GECOM workers, is a lie from the pits of hell. You know that we in the PNC own all the patents for rigging; we invented it. It is as preposterous as it is ridiculous to say the PPP rigged when our Apostle Mingo, Bro. Lowenfield, GECOM, the Police, the COVID Task Force, and the courts were the ones working very hard for us. That is not true that the PPP rigged, but some of our people are riding that propaganda horse. I say to you: that horse is dead, and when the horse is dead, we should dismount. Beating the dead horse harder, buying a stronger whip, or changing riders will not make the argument any better.

It’s our PNC versus the rest of the world, and people laugh at us when we say the PPP rigged the elections. We control everything, don’t we?
Another thing, brethren, we cannot be cussing out everyone who has made honest statements that the PPP has won the elections.

Why are we cussing out diplomats, international organizations, CARICOM leaders, and anyone else giving honest opinions and facts? Do you think this is right? What example are we showing to our young people in our Sunday school and youth groups?

A Sister Helena Armogan put it well when she said, “I have never seen so many Christians invoking the Name of Jesus while celebrating election fraud in Guyana. The body of Christ in Guyana has obviously revealed the extent of our moral convictions, and it is no wonder the Church has not made inroads into the multi-religious, secular culture…. And we wonder why we have not seen a revival.”

Another Brother said to me, “I am so ashamed to be a Christian and a pastor,” as he lamented that the Christian leaders, especially in the Pentecostal and evangelical churches, are in hiding, just like our Bro. Granger.
Most of all brethren, we bring much disgrace to the Name of Christ by our deeds. What are we saying to our Hindu and Muslim brethren in Guyana; that Christianity supports fraud and wrongdoing? How will they respect us and listen to us when we take the gospel to them? Right now, is our PNC showing a good example of Christ, as we claim to be a Christian party? Is it okay for Sister Burnham to tell a Prime Minister our “steel is sharper?” That’s what our Founder Leader Burnham said prior to Dr. Rodney’s assassination, when he also said to the opposition leaders, “Make your wills.”

Some of our leaders have quietly accepted that we lost, but some are soldiering on, like Don Quixote striking at windmills. The latter make us look foolish, clownish, and pathetic.
Finally, my brethren, I trust the decent ones among us will follow our Bro. Granger’s son-in-law’s example and come forward to publicly and honestly tell you that we lost, that the Lord raised our PNC up, and now he has brought us down because of our great iniquities. This is the right thing and Christian thing to do. Please look at the bright side – we still won 31 seats honestly, without rigging. We must now choose decent people to represent us in the Opposition. Let’s honour God in all we do.

Jerry Singh

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