Harmon shoots himself in the foot with untimely LGE demand

Harmon shoots himself in the foot with untimely LGE demand

Dear Editor,
Mr. Joseph Harmon, Leader of the Opposition, had been searching for issues on which to attack the Government but owing to his lack of political experience he has not been finding any, though they are staring him in the face. He hits upon demanding the calling of Local Government Elections next year and threatening dire consequences to the Government and country if such Elections are not held. But like so many of his actions over the last several years, he has shown a piteous tendency of badly misjudging. No one has ever become emotional about LGE and it leaves people cold, so he will be sorely disappointed in stirring up trouble.

There are a few things I would like to underline:
(a) GECOM which is the body that has to conduct Elections, is badly fractured and its top officers are arraigned before the Courts on serious criminal offences, its more junior staff are demoralized and have no respect for their superiors and the public have no confidence GECOM could be ever able to conduct efficient and Democratic Elections.

Mr. Harmon imagines that this fractured GECOM with its top brass on criminal charges and with its leaderless and demoralized staff would conduct the Elections. This exposes Mr. Harmon as a person who does not believe in Democracy and affirms to the public and the International community that he is not a man to be entrusted with power.

(b) In any case, if the Government gets through with its COI and GECOM could be reorganized and they hold Elections next year, the PNC/APNU would be disastrously defeated with far reaching implications. Mr. Harmon would quicken the disintegration of the PNC.
(c) Having begun the demand for LGE in the usual PNC bullying style, he can’t drop it now. But he could turn this bleak situation into a victory by offering to work with the Government to bring about early LGE and claiming kudos and so stabilise
the disintegrating PNC.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Validum Ramlochan

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