Guyanese can be confident of our road to a successful existence

Guyanese can be confident of our road to a successful existence

Dear Editor,
The PPP/C has successfully completed 100 days in office, and there is reason to celebrate, because we have a Government that was installed by the people and is working on behalf of the very same people of this country; in this regard, there is reason to be joyful.
Now, what is worthy of note is that these achievements were done in the midst of a crippling pandemic, which in itself has impeded growth somewhat; nevertheless, the new Government has weathered the storm in a determined and successful way, and has put us well on the upward path to development.

The ministers, including the President, have fanned out across this country on a strict work schedule. They are meeting the people and hearing their concerns, while at the same time looking into ways of finding solutions. This is the focus of the newly installed PPP/C Government, a picture-perfect painting of what a government should be.

Contrast that with the PNC-led coalition, whose immediate task on their accession to office was to raise their salaries and emoluments to the grand total of 50%, and commensurately their emoluments. It seems like filthy lucre was their obsession, and not the interest of the people. This was the situation we had to endure for five years, three months on. In addition, the ministers of the previous administration were aloof mortals, people whom the ordinary man could not reach or talk to; meeting with the people was unheard of.

Then came the scandals and blatant acts of corruption. I am talking about the ExxonMobil signing bonus; the massive illegal land giveaways, we were fast becoming tenants in our own backyard; a disgraceful situation of a sitting minister’s brother being embroiled in a drug bust, among other maniacal occurrences.
However, lest I be carried away by the glaring atrocities of the PNC, just let me get back to the achievements of the PPP/C’s 100 days in office.
• The institution of inclusive Government: members of the other contesting parties are called upon to take up key positions to run this country.
• In less than a month, there was an emergency budget put in place to get the economy moving forward.
• The rooting out of corruption and removal of all vestiges of subversion and backwardness. Those who held this country back for five long months with their rigging apparatus will be brought to justice, we will ensure that this malady does not occur or ever lift its ugly head again. We are now into the era of the settling in of peace, prosperity and development.
• Every project that was earmarked by the PPP/C Government is on-stream for completion, and those that were carried over from the Coalition as well.
• The inflow of business opportunities, where a number of foreign businesses are starting to invest in Guyana, and the opening up of the economy. in the same vein, there is new life fanned into the nostrils of local businesses also, as brighter and newer avenues for investment begin to manifest themselves. No more is there a stranglehold on business development.
• All the ministries are up and running, a circumstance that is pivotal to progress in a modern Guyana.
With such an army of honest and dedicated workers working in total harmony, Guyanese can be confident that we are on the road to a successful existence in this part of the globe.

Neil Adams

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