Guyana will never be clean if its citizens hold on to dirty habits

Guyana will never be clean if its citizens hold on to dirty habits

Dear Editor,

As Election Day approaches, I think it’s fitting that we open our eyes and finally be honest with ourselves. Can we try that? We fuss and fight about voting, about policies and who will benefit from them. We talk about where the Government has been lacking throughout the years and quickly we point fingers but consider this, what is your role as a citizen and are you fulfilling it?

Guyana will not be clean if citizens hold on to dirty habits. Why beg for changes in the physical things, hoping the changes will last, when knowing very well you aren’t willing to change? Why demand good drainage when you are littering? Why demand new roads when we are only going to use them to speed and take innocent lives? Why must it take crossing new borders to bring out a different version of us? You know, the one with the fake accent, the one with respect for another’s country. Stop playing the blame game and holding people up to a standard you yourself care not to uphold. Why should any government listen to your complaints? We fail to realise that members of the government weren’t born as such. They were citizen before they became anything else. What have we taught them as citizens? Do we expect them to magically change their ways now that they are in a position to make positive changes? Why must more be demanded when clearly, we haven’t been caring the little that we have?

Wake up Guyana!! Also, a law isn’t a law if it isn’t backed by sanctions.

No one will listen when those responsible for enforcing the law are taking money and letting things slide.

Yours respectfully,
Juanita Jordan


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