GECOM Chair now has opportunity for redemption

GECOM Chair now has opportunity for redemption

Dear Editor,

We are living in extraordinary times. Given the inevitable onslaught of Covid-19 on the Guyanese population, the urgency for a transparent and credible recount of the votes cast in the March 2, 2020 elections has increased manifold. GECOM does not have a minute to waste in this regard.

The recount cannot be credibly achieved with the current secretariat staff at GECOM. The publicly available evidence amply demonstrates that many have diminished credibility. Further trouble must be anticipated and safeguards put in place for the recount. As such, Mr. Mingo, Ms. Myers and Mr. Lowenfield cannot be part of any future counting/tabulation process.

It is now incumbent upon GECOM’s Chairperson, Ms. Claudette Singh, to boldly step up and take charge. She must be visible, available, accessible and hands on; she must inspire confidence that she will get the job done properly. For Ms. Singh, the time for redemption is now.

Despite the Covid-19 situation, efforts must be made to engage all international stakeholders and observer missions that were part of the election process. Their participation will be invaluable to an open and credible recount. The observers for the recount should not be limited to members of the CARICOM high-level team. The entire exercise must be conducted in an unambiguous manner so as to leave no doubt as to the results of the elections. Preferably, the process should be continuous – to minimize opportunities for mischief.

Invariably, GECOM and members of the entrenched administration will activate sleeper cells to manufacture administrative and a myriad of other barriers that will militate against a swift recount. It is likely that vested interests will make desperate efforts to derail the process. This must not be allowed to succeed. Chair-person Singh must be firm and steadfast.

In the interim, and given the Covid-19 situation, it is crucial that the ballots boxes are not violated.  In addition to the individuals guarding the containers, CCTV cameras should also be installed to provide continuous and real time monitoring. I would also argue that any recount should be done under CCTV monitoring.

The ultimate outcome of the recount will have serious repercussions and will reshape Guyanese society. The chips must be allowed to fall where they may.

Yours faithfully,

Kowlasar Misir

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