Dossier could not have been written by anyone with all faculties intact

Dossier could not have been written by anyone with all faculties intact

Dear Editor,

With the Covid-19 lockdown, I stave off cabin fever being entertained on a daily basis by the APNU+AFC’s hilarious antics clutching at any straw to stay in government. Some were innovative, like the fumigation of the convention centre, but by and large, the majority was unimaginative and old hack. Reading social media’s response to the various exploits has been a great de-stressor.

However, I have to admit The Dossier takes the cake. I doff my hat to the author. Whatever he, she or it was imbibing or smoking while composing said document had to be some good stuff. Geez I’m jealous. Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side. Surely, The Dossier could not have been written by anyone with all faculties intact. In an induced haze almost anything will sound good. I can almost hear the collective “yeah man.”

But in the clear light of day how could anyone justify such fantasy? Much less spend hard earned cash to a bloodsucker lobbyist group who must be laughing going to the bank. My late father always said “the easiest thing to do is to spend another man’s money.” Justification must be “we try a thing.”

Mind-boggling as the stated ‘facts” are my question is who came up with this crap? How can anyone spew this narrative and still consider him or herself a person of integrity, decency and honesty? With such a bag of paltry tricks, dregs of the bottom of the barrel, how are these persons facing their families, friends and fellow Guyanese? I can only fathom that “by any means necessary” is the rationalization.

During the height of the Cold War in the 1960s the US was swayed by the Communist bogeyman and thus worked against the PPP led by Dr. Cheddi Jagan citing his Marxist leftist ideology. It’s laughable that with the Iron Curtain lifted since 1989 such a strategy would be envisioned as workable. If red herrings such as fictitious Russians, Libyans and Cubans in association with Maduro are the best The Dossier can scare up. Well “like I fed up.”

Yours faithfully,

Sadie Amin

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