Do not stand in a fool’s way

Do not stand in a fool’s way

Dear Editor,

The recent comments by the “Eyewitness” were quite surprising. I would have never thought that he or she would find offence in protecting children from sodomy. But who am I to judge? Some people are very sensitive if they believe their lifestyle or sexual preference is being threatened. To each his or her own! The rambling which followed I guess could be attributed to high emotions that led to less focus on the issues and more on personal attacks. Some of us were trained in the British educational system and do know how to respectfully address each other.

When one knows how it feels to be spoken of with the use of the word for a baggage handler in a derogatory manner, it goes without saying why the practice should be put to an end. However, there are different expectations to be had depending on one’s standard for what should be acceptable and what shouldn’t be acceptable. After all, the Eyewitness appears to be blinded by emotions to quite a number of important issues. Don’t let me stand in his or her way. Please do go ahead upon your journey. The cliff appears to be forthcoming. The anti-sodomy laws are important and the church knows what their standing is in society and why it is important not to cross the line which the Bishop did.

Mr. Jamil Changlee
The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana

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