City Hall must work along with the Government of the day

City Hall must work along with the Government of the day

Dear Editor,

There are two significant areas in which the PNC/APNU usually claim as their own stomping ground.
These are the public service and the municipality and I must say the party has been doing quite a fantastic job at subversive politics where these two areas are concern. For our discussion today, we shall be stationed in the city taking an in-depth look at this place where recent hotspot events are taking place.

Georgetown is the heartland of the PNC and is the perfect example for them to showcase what a city should not be. For starters, the city is a dirty, smelly place where vagrants and pickpockets roam. It is an overcrowded locale, where poor and sub-standard services is a normality. On any given day it would be the unfortunate experience of anyone conducting business to fall victim to the usual con-artist or corrupt artisan. This is Georgetown, led by an administration that is equally known for its mediocrity.

As the seat of government, one would have thought that Georgetown is a place of fine manners, a place that is orderly and well-managed, but this is not to be. The City Council is an atrocious example of that of an itinerant mendicant as the Pandit Mayor who goes around begging for money to run the city.
With cap in hand, he is out asking here and there for benevolent donations.

The new PPP/C Government, for its part, has said that it will be making subventions to the city. However, that can only be done if the management style of the city changes. In fact, the government has given the city an ultimatum, that there would be no cash coming their way except and until a comprehensive audit is done. This latest call by the government should sober up the Mayor and City Council to pay strict attention to their management style and straighten up for the better.

We are talking about the instant removal of the dinosaur deadweight regime of Royston King, Patricia Chase-Greene and Oscar Clarke, just to name a few. Such individuals work in open defiance to the Local Government Ministry and are otherwise obstacles to progress. Business in our capital city cannot continue to go on this way

In conclusion, the Municipality of the City of Georgetown must, I repeat, must work along with the new PPP/C Government and not the other way around. This backwardness of a run-down, cash-strapped City Council must end now.
The PNCR-dominated City Hall have been running the city like a cook-up and dog-food stand of a municipality for decades with bad results being the outcome. It is high time for a new and enlightened approach to the management of the city.

Neil Adams

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