As of now, “APNU/AFC is just a name”

As of now, “APNU/AFC is just a name”

Dear Editor,
It has been alleged that fractions of the PNC/PNCR have hijacked airtime on NCN, the State-owned TV broadcast station, demanding four spots daily, spreading propaganda and falsehood across Guyana. These are die-hard members who are bent on A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) remaining in power regardless of the price Guyana pays or how this is done. The current elections impasse has evolved to a war of attrition between PNCR and the rest of the world. These PNCR leaders are blatantly incapable of treating their own people (supporters) properly, so they can hardly be expected to treat the Caricom leaders and the rest of the world leaders well. How can a political party like the PNCR that doggedly refuses to acknowledge that they have lost the 2020 General Elections while refusing to become a modern political civilisation really expect to be part of a meaningful opposition in the future?

The group that is described as the Burnhamite faction is real, they exist and they have taken over control of the PNCR, aided and abetted by a compliant protege of the founder leader. Former Prime Minister and President Forbes Burnham stayed in power from 1968 to 1985 through elections that many local and foreign observers described as fraudulent. However during this electoral period twice before, this small but influential cabal within the PNCR was thwarted in their efforts to seize control of the election results and tailored it to the benefit of the APNU/AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger… this faction will fight to the bitter end since their good life is threatened.

The PNCR simply do not care about the threat of sanctions; they believe they can ride it out, the importance of Guyanese being able to elect a Government of their choice, through free and fair elections is like preaching to the choir. That means nothing to the PNCR cabals, they are not concerned if the supporters of all political parties suffer, providing that the PNCR masterminds will continue to enjoy the good life. We do not have a crystal ball to predict how it will all end on July 8, 2020, but one can see the APNU/AFC leadership’s struggle in the PNCR control environment being played out on NCN daily and nightly on TV programmes. The mindset of the PNC/PNCR is to wage a war of attrition. Observers have left, locals will get fed up and weary.

Mr Granger said that he has great respect for the people of Guyana, his Caribbean colleagues and the international community, “but if he does, how come every day and night he allows his party comrades to denigrate our great Caribbean leaders? And their (Caribbean leaders) only fault is that they continue to speak the truth – that the recount results must be used to declare the victor – which has already been decided by the GECOM Commission, itself. So, they’re (Caribbean leaders) only reiterating what the Commission would have decided already.

The region will hypocritically posit themselves as peace brokers and events like COVID-19 will shift focus to survival. This is not about Guyana but about a handful of greedy PNCR individuals who caricature Dr Jagdeo as the enemy. However when these elections are all over Dr Jagdeo will come out as the champion of democracy and the Guyanese people, with David Granger being referred to in Caribbean history books as the “Sanctimonious Gangster”. We should not be under any illusion – The APNU/AFC Government will continue as is for as long as they can get away with it, without the will of the people.

They have implemented a strategy to repeat what the PNC did between 1968 and 1992 – rig elections in order to remain in power It is intended to be a silent coup, but the stink it has already created is a nightmare for the Granger caretaker Government. The rotten stench is in every home and every corner in our country. It has reached the international communities, wherever you freedom-loving Guyanese are, especially those who fought and sacrificed to gain freedom in our country, you are no longer under any illusion – Granger has used the AFC, like Burnham used the UF, to seize power and deny the Guyanese people their right to elect a Government. Just as Granger is trying to do in 2020.

These moves by David Granger in his full support of the report submitted by the Chief Elections Officer, Lowenfield, in which 115,844 votes were discarded due to “anomalies and irregularities” which he knew were all lies and false. It is not shocking. The DNA of Granger is solidly the DNA of Burnham and the PNC. He has done exactly what the People’s Progressive Party/Civic warned Guyanese about prior to the 2015 elections. Granger has used the AFC to gain power, much like Burnham and the PNC used the UF to gain power.

However, Granger has not waited as long as Burnham did to discard the AFC. During the electoral process, Granger, Harmon, Mingo Lowenfield and Norton unequivocally declared that the APNU/AFC coalition has served its purpose and it is time for the PNC to expose itself. It never disappeared, it disguised itself and now it is ready to assume its place. As of now, “APNU/AFC is just a name”. The caretaker Government of Guyana is the PNC/PNCR. It is clear that PNC is hoping that everyone will be scared of them and stay easy but sadly this time around will not be so easy, the PNC and PNCR are in for a rude awakening, the will of the Guyanese people will prevail in 2020.

Let me remind you all, the Burnhamite days are over, it is dead and cannot be resurrected.

David Adams

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