An orphaned nation is left to face the onslaught of COVID-19

An orphaned nation is left to face the onslaught of COVID-19

Dear Editor,

Kindly permit me a bit of space in your hallowed pages; for, I know not for how long we would be able to sound our voices through them.

Editor, isn’t it appalling to think of the diminishing mental health of the Guyanese population in light of the current state of affairs in our country? With the much dreaded COVID-19 lurching upon us, and the wanton disregard for democracy by GECOM; is it too grandiose to think that GECOM could easily cut, by at least half, the population’s mental agonies by simply doing what they are constitutionally mandated to do?
Such unnecessary delays in declaring a legitimate government does not augur well for this “Independent” body or, for the people of Guyana.

As it is, Guyana is without a government since December 30, 2019. So, who has the authority to strategize and execute a comprehensible, honest, and contemporary plan to protect this hapless nation against the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic that is literally knocking at our doors? To whom do the distraught people turn for much needed economic sustenance, guidance, and clarity with regard to this world-wide disaster? It seems to be a luxury here to even imagine having a government working collectively with its people to battle COVID-19. There are daily threats and lamentations because the people are not obeying the laws and curfews. But, can a rogue government expect to have full control over a population that it continues to mentally wound?

One shudders to think of the grave consequences that the rampaging COVID-19 will have upon this orphaned nation. With the GECOM-instilled fear and anxiety, the Coalition’s reckless welcome of sanctions, and the psyche already weakened and on its knees, COVID-19 will find this unfortunate nation of approximately 780,000 an easy victim for obliteration. But who cares?

Editor, Democracy has been banished into the closet and the big, bad wolf of rigged elections now usurps her position; while we are watching, nay, the world is watching as those big, greedy eyes glare and those big, salivating teeth flash. When this nation cries for help, will the step-mother listen to or muffle those cries?

Beware Of The Cries Of The Oppressed. You Shall Not Covet. God Bless Guyana; “O Beautiful Guyana”.

Mentally Exhausted Citizen

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