An initial step to civil discourse

An initial step to civil discourse

Dear Editor,

It has been over a century that Indian intellectuals have consistently put forth that the use of the pejorative term “coolie” be removed from our vocabulary when referencing a person of Indian Heritage in Guyana, reference Joseph Ruhomon’s “India The Progress of Her People At Home And Abroad, And How Those In British Guiana May Improve Themselves”. In spite of this the term is still widely used in the African Guyanese community when referencing Indian Guyanese.

Those of other races have shown a more respectful discourse. It is important that our African Guyanese colleagues and associates help to rectify this ongoing problem. Fostering hate and discord is counterproductive to developing a civilized society which all of our citizens can appreciate. We must not parallel the problematic faced by African Americans who struggle with the use of the disrespectful term “nigger”. Thus, reference to fellow Indian Guyanese and acceptance of such a term in reference to those of the Indian Guyanese community must not be accepted.

It is with great hope that after a hundred years of discussion the use of the term “coolie” will be eliminated. One must remember that our Indentured history was one in which payment based on the contract terms was not honoured, but the strength of the Indian prevailed to overcome non-payment. Therefore, the negative stigma associated with Indentureship does not lay within the Indian community. Likewise the African Guyanese community has progressed beyond their history as slaves. It is time that we as a Nation move beyond the conflict and strife that limits possibility and development. Respectful discourse is an excellent milestone by which to measure our progress towards such an achievement.

Best regards,
Mr. Jamil Changlee
The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana

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