AFC has lost a true fighter

AFC has lost a true fighter

Dear editor,
Please grant me space in the letter column of your newspaper to share my take on the recent loss to the AFC, especially here in Berbice.
Editor, the recent resignation of Mr. Abel Seetaram from the AFC has sent a massive blow and loss to that party.  Mr. Seetaram is a true fighter and was a defender of the AFC, no matter what.  He is a man of the people, although he has and I think continued to be the target for some.  Mr. Seetaram is always for the grassroots people, no matter what.  He stands for his party and his people.

I have personally approached Seetaram on several occasions venting my concerns and frustration about several community matters and yes, he was quick to listen.  I can say that after he listens to my concerns, I did see most or almost all of the matters being looked into.

Seetaram sometimes will get blows from his colleagues in the coalition and I can say this because once I stood at the RDC under the shed, saw and heard a top and member cussing him out because he was pushing for work to be done in an Indian area.

Editor, Seetaram will fight for the AFC no matter what and he did that everywhere he went.  On several occasions I would hear him say that he is not APNU or PNC but AFC and he wants to see all have equal access to development.

It was shocking and sad when I saw on the news that Seetaram parted ways from the AFC that he fought so strong for.  But there is only so much a person can take.
I know that the AFC cannot find a replacement for Mr Seetaram ever in Region Five or Berbice at large.

When Seetaram is on television I love to watch, because he speaks the language of the people.  He shows his true spirit and fights for the people.
The AFC has lost a true warrior and foot soldier and won’t ever get anyone to carry that fight and work like Seetaram here in Region Five and Berbice.  Seetaram was liked by many across the region.

Seetaram after Dr Ramayya was the lone fighting soldier for the AFC in Berbice and he stood up to many and all from different political parties by defending the AFC to the earth.  He was a true fighter for the AFC and the AFC has now lost the man who carried the mantle of their fight in Berbice.

The resignation of Mr Seetaram will see the AFC crippled, as there will be no one to carry the fight and work anyone.
Seetaram is a true political fighter and I wish that this new administration will look at the work of Mr Seetaram, both politically and regionally, and get him on board to continue the work he has been doing.

I wish Mr Seetaram all the best in his future endeavours and hope that he will continue the fight for the people’s development in this region.
The AFC has lost a true fighter.

Kishan Singh

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