AFC can redeem itself and help fight for the declaration of the election results

AFC can redeem itself and help fight for the declaration of the election results

Dear Editor,

Now that there is another ruling, this time by the Full court, that the recount should go ahead, the Alliance for Change (AFC) must show decency by repeating its acceptance for the recount to take place. Without regaining some trust by the people, AFC’s call for a National Unity Government will be seen as deceitful. Trust is important in our society. It can only be earned not demanded or given to.

Indeed, there should be some sort of governing arrangement constantly evolving, that is tailored to Guyana. However, the Governance must be for the benefit of all Guyanese, not for the elite to share the spoils among them. I still cannot understand, why it was more important for the AFC MP’s to focus on job-share, rather than on the changes they promised to bring better governance to the people. Hope that the AFC gets back to the time when it was held in esteem, else it will continue to be banded with the others.

When the long overdue inclusive arrangement is sincerely deliberated on, it would be beneficial to our nation to give serious attention to reducing the powers of the President and MINISTERS. Law and policy makers should do just that. They should not be involved in for example: ‘handing out house lots’. We fought to get rid of (pseudo) Monarchy.
From the 60’s and continuing, there are lots of suggestions for shared, inclusive, unity, democratic, coalition rule.

However, the thrust should be from the people. The politicians always seem to have reason/s not to make the ideas workable. AFC can redeem itself and help make this happen, but it must first fight for the declaration of the election results the people voted for. Any compromise with fairness, lead to great risk of ridicule.

Faiyaz Alli

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