A twist in the plot may unfold in the new year

A twist in the plot may unfold in the new year

Dear Editor,
Guyana’s Ambassador to the United Nations H.E Rudolph Michael Ten Pow submitted his resignation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday 27th December 2019. So begins the final chapter of a coup that had enough intrigue and blood on the floor to satisfy fans of Machiavelli and Tarantino alike. The final act in the play also reveals the true protagonist behind the power struggle that has wreaked havoc within Guyana’s Foreign Service. Will there be a new Ambassador to the United Nations in early 2020?

Who could orchestrate the firing of the Director-General of the Ministry, Audrey Jardine-Waddel, while she was away on travel leave and thus unable to fight to retain her position and defend the special structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Who could persuade the new Minister to go against the will of the politically powerful Secretary-General of the Ministry, Carl Greenidge? It was no mean feat to emasculate the former Minister who still holds Presidential ambitions. Make no mistake; this entire episode is a master-class in political intrigue; high-risk and great reward.

A PNC advisor was the public face of the campaign for the Chairmanship of the Group 77, even that advisor may have been deceived as to the true intent of the wily protagonist. As Guyana’s strange behaviour and voting patterns at the United Nations attracted criticism from Ambassadors and Foreign Service Officers, complaints were made to the Director-General, who went to her line Minister for redress only to find the ties that bind are a religion greater than the Foreign Service. When the DG attempted to go over the head of the Minister to President Granger directly, the die was cast and she was terminated clandestinely, while away on leave. Mrs. Jardine –Waddel has been offered an ambassadorship to ease the pain of betrayal; I sincerely hope that it does.

I see no need to name the protagonist in this ‘Descriptive’ piece, for Newspapers and their Editors, are facing a torrid ton of lawsuits; facing claims beyond the value of a thousand Troy pounds of gold. The protagonist may yet be walking betwixt the raindrops, but once unmasked, may well face a deluge of anger caused by the treacherous actions. Friends may become foes before the second Sabbath of the New Year is observed. Will the new Ambassador to the United Nations please stand up? Does he/she dare? I look forward to the new year with some small anticipation of a twist in the plot to see good yet triumph over this evil. “Oh, ye of little faith.”


Robin Singh


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