The GuySuCo team under the current CEO needs full support

The GuySuCo team under the current CEO needs full support

Dear editor, IT is rather strange for a former president of the ruling party to…

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Politicians must recognise racism is a scourge that has to be cleansed

Politicians must recognise racism is a scourge that has to be cleansed

Dear Editor, Racism is caused by race labelling; it is a global problem that is…

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GPL payment to Giftland for power

GPL payment to Giftland for power

Dear Editor, Giftland notes with alarm recent press reports alluding to being paid $35 million…

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Why the delay in appointing a COI for GECOM?

Why the delay in appointing a COI for GECOM?

Dear Editor, Free and fair elections are no longer possible in Guyana under GECOM as…

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When should Local Government Elections be held?

When should Local Government Elections be held?

Dear Editor, At a recent meeting of the Opposition Leader he was overhead making certain…

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The President has spoken

The President has spoken

Dear Editor, It is vehemently being argued the date for LGE is prescribed by the…

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Harmon shoots himself in the foot with untimely LGE demand

Harmon shoots himself in the foot with untimely LGE demand

Dear Editor, Mr. Joseph Harmon, Leader of the Opposition, had been searching for issues on…

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We need a national dialogue on electoral reform that puts citizens at heart of process

We need a national dialogue on electoral reform that puts citizens at heart of process

Dear Editor, Guyana’s entire post-Independence history has been characterized by political crisis after political crisis. …

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My concerns go beyond the arithmetic of elections

My concerns go beyond the arithmetic of elections

Dear Editor, This is a delayed reply to a letter by Dr. Vishnu Bisram, published…

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Whatever opposition, there is to the crawling totalitarianism of the PPP is fragmented and frail

Whatever opposition, there is to the crawling totalitarianism of the PPP is fragmented and frail

Dear Editor, I can’t be the only one discerning the inexorable approach of what points…

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