
GECOM Chair can consult with experts on elections date

Dear Editor,

Reference your news item quoting GECOM commissioners as saying that the body may not be ready for elections before March 2020. Clearly, such planning will violate the ruling of the CCJ and also place the government in violation. Yet it is not practical to hold an elections by September 18. A couple of months from now could be practical to hold a free and fair election with an acceptable list of electors.

Instead of waiting till March and relying exclusively on GECOM staff for a date, perhaps the Chair can consult with experts to expedite the process needed to ready the body for an elections. She can also hire more staff to prepare the list. May I suggest she seeks assistance from former Chairs in the form of Rudy Collins, Joe Singh, and Steve Surujbally. They may be able to offer help and guidance on expediting the process to hold elections this year instead of going into a new year.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Vishnu Bisram


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