PPP says blocking recount will not change ‘fraudulent elections results’

PPP says blocking recount will not change ‘fraudulent elections results’

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday noted that even if the High Court rules in favour of blocking the national recount, this will not change the concerns raised about the results of the March 2 general and regional elections.

“The court case for example, if it doesn’t allow a recount, that doesn’t change the results, the results will still be fraudulent results,” Jagdeo said at a press conference held at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown.

Jagdeo added that “a President sworn in on the basis of those results will still be illegitimate. So the court case if it goes that way, does not resolve the issue before us which is the fraudulent results that were announced.”

Jagdeo reiterated that if David Granger is sworn in as President, the PPP will heighten calls for international sanctions against the Government.

“We will seek the toughest sanctions on these individuals and families and they will not be able to survive, they will not be able to run this country…they will not get the oil money.”

Jagdeo said he is cognizant that sanctions will have an impact on every citizen but he said the aim is to “make them (in Government) see the folly of their ways.”

An injunction was filed in the High Court by APNU+AFC Candidate Ulita Moore on March 18 to block a national recount initiated by her party leader, President David Granger and agreed to by Jagdeo and CARICOM.

On Tuesday, the PPP challenged the jurisdiction of the Court to hear the matter.

High Court Judge Franklyn Holder is slated to rule Friday on whether the court has the jurisdiction to hear the recount case.

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