Officers of the Enforcement Arm of the Natural Resources Ministry have not been paid in months

Officers of the Enforcement Arm of the Natural Resources Ministry have not been paid in months

Dear Editor,

It is with great frustration and uncertainty that I pen this letter to you in hope that it reaches the relevant minister and governing body of our dear country.
I am attached to the Natural Resources Enforcement Arm under the Ministry of Natural Resources and my colleagues and I have been without salary since September of this year.

Our contracts would have come to an end in September and we were advised by the Permanent Secretary, that our contracts would be renewed and that we should continue to show up for work.

We have been doing just that, no money for transportation and hardly any to sustain our families yet we show up to work diligently and conduct our duties without pay. In August some of us were deployed to hinterland regions, although there is a pandemic, to ensure that our duties were carried out as mandated by our employers we are yet to see the fruit of this labour.

Many of us are currently paying mortgages, loans, indebted to landlords and all calls to our PS are met with “hold tight”. I think we have been exhausted with what goes on politically in this country; it does not have anything to do with us. We are humble public servants working in part and parcel with the government of the day in an effort to ensure that citizens uphold and respect the law. Why must we continue to face uncertainty and live as though we are not entitled to salaries we worked for?

I would like to ask our Minister of Natural Resources to look into the matter , I know that he is a humble human who has the country and citizens at heart but how much more can we bear?

Yours truly,
Name provided

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